Monday, February 12, 2018

Horses and Beetles and Bears, Oh Crap

I have a horse! After I finish registering him, I let myself gallop around stable a little so I can get used to the controls. Seems like horses are, for the most part, smart enough to follow a path on their own. I say for the most part because there seems to be some training involved. Fabio keeps veering off the trail, forcing me to correct him. I figure out the taming process pretty easily. He does what he’s not supposed to, I correct him, I pet him, he loves me more. I’ll have him fully trained in no time.
...I know you...

I meet another couple of wandering merchants at the stable. The first is Agus. He is farmer who comes from Hateno Village, the other town nearby. He travels here with his donkey, selling eggs, milk, and butter - even more ingredients. The other merchant is a familiar face: Beedle! Obviously not the same Beedle, but an ancestor of those in past games. Without any sort of transportation this time, he lugs around his wares in an oversized backpack which comical is shaped like a beetle. He sells a variety of goods, arrows, some bugs, and something called an Octo Balloon. I don’t buy anything, but before he lets me go, he notices I have a beetle on me that I must have caught earlier. He BEGS me to trade it to him. I’m actually too uncomfortable to say no, so I let him. I can always get more. He gives me a Mighty Elixir in exchange. I guess that works.

Little Twin Bridge

Now, time for some treasure hunting. I guide Fabio over the Big Twin Bridge, and then further down the path past the turn to go through the mountain. It’s peaceful, and before long I’m also crossing over the Little Twin Bridge, the name appearing and fading away. The path eventually ends, forcing me to manually steer my still unruly horse along the river bank. Up ahead, I can see the waterfall hat would be the mouth of the river. On the top, I can see some…discoloration? I’m going to guess It’s a bombable rock wall, hiding the treasure cache.
I already made a joke about leading a
horse to water in the last one, didn't I?

I continue to follow the river on my horse until I’m at the base of the waterfall, where I must dismount Fabio to continue my trek. After hopping into the river, I wade through the shallow water to cross a few rocky outcrops. There’s a lone rock on one of them – you guessed it, Korok! Back to the waterfalls, I figure out pretty quickly that I need to climb up alongside it – the water obviously makes the actual waterfall too slippery to climb.

I make it about half way up without issue. There’s a small “shelf” where I can rest and regain my stamina before continuing. I pick up a few silent shrooms growing along the cliffside, and I pull myself up to the top. Looking out over Hickaly Woods, towards the stable, I again take a moment to take in the beauty of the game.

Then I turn around and blow up a chunk of it.
Can video game screenshots win Getty Awards?

After blowing out the wall blocking the cave entrance, I enter to find a shit-ton of chests, just as the sidequest is marked off as completed. Ha, those two chumps couldn’t figure it out. I go through all the chests and collect a number of gem stones, a nice Throwing Spear and a FLAMEBLADE. The effects on it are really cool looking – the flames apparently need time to “heat up” and you can see the sword actually charge before turning bright red. Awesome. I gather everything up and organize it before exiting the cave.

Hickaly Woods

It’s starting to rain and get a little dark so I should get back to the stable. I jump from the waterfall and float down with my paraglider. As I land next to Fabio, it starts to rain. Great. Let’s get out of here, horse. Easier said then done. Still not fully trained, I have a hard time getting Fabio to listen to me as we try and exit the woods and make our way back to the bridge. After a few false starts I find myself in the middle of the woods, struggling to get my bearings.

Just as I am about to pull out the map, a roar to my left startles me, as does the BEAR CHARGING AT ME. Without thinking I set Fabio off into gallop, taking me further into the woods. I don’t go for very long though before I see something that terrifies me. A giant, walking, one eyed skeleton. And I’m headed right for it. In a blind panic I throw open the map and fast travel back to the shrine near the stable. Fabio does not warp with me. I am sorry to sacrifice you, horse friend. ☹

I reappear at Ha Dahamar Shrine sans horse. I head into the stable to give myself a moment to catch my wits. What the fuck was that giant ass skeleton thing in the woods? What the fuck was a bear doing in the woods? Okay, wait, the woods, nevermind that one checks out. I pop open my map, and I can see the little horse icon in the middle of the forest where I abandoned Fabio. Probably getting eaten by that skeleton. Or that bear. Or both.

As I walk back to the stable, I see that the rain has cleared, and there is a rainbow shooting across the sky.

I’m a murderer.



I move to the front to speak with Tasseren, though he doesn’t seem to think anything is wrong. Has he not yet learned of my crimes? He asks if I’d like to take out a horse, and I say yes, assuming the game will give me an error message about the horse already being out. But nope, there’s Fabio, in all his glory! Thanks for risking your life, Tass.

I do my best to give my horsey friend a hug. Then I take out an apple, intending to feed it to him, but he chomps it right out of my hand! Didn’t know they could do that. Glad I didn’t lose a finger, either.

Alright, I’m getting a little sick and tired of everything in this game scaring the shit out of me. Starting to become more of a problem then it is funny. Fuck that giant-ass skeleton. I’m gonna take him the fuck down.

Or he is going to take himself down, I guess. I reenter Hickaly Woods with Fabio very, very carefully. No signs of any bears nor giant walking skeletons, but I do spot this...weird blue rabbit thing. It also looks kind of...fairy like? No idea what it was though.

I have no idea what's happening anymore.
Not much further in than that though is when I find our skeleton friend. Or what is left of him I guess. He’s on the ground - hell, parts of him are buried in the ground - and not moving. From a safe vantage point, I try seeing if I can do anything to get him up. Bombs, arrows, other weapons - nothing. Just stays there on the ground like an unmoving...skeleton.

Well, it is daylight now, and the only other skeletons I’ve met in this game are only active at night. Willing to bet if I came back out here at night, he’d be awake enough for me.

...let’s save that for after Kakariko.

Heart Containers: 4
Shrines Completed: 7
Koroks Found: 16
Horses Abandoned: 1 0
Bears Faced: 1
Skeletons Walking Around: 0, for now

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