Monday, February 19, 2018

That's A Very Nice Set of...Maracas You Have There

Satisfied with my progress at the stable, I wait for morning by the campfire before finishing the trek to Kakariko. On my way out, I talk to the twins Domidak and Prissen. I want them to know I found the treasure before they did, but I can’t. They just continue to mock me and say I’ll never find it. I suppose Link is more modest than myself. With nothing else to do here, I hop on Fabio and set off for Kakariko Village and Impa.
A lot of NPCs, a lot of bad haircuts.

Kakariko Bridge

After rounding a small mountain, I spot another bridge ahead of me, this time stone. I also see someone approaching me on horseback. It’s a woman with short, brown hair. Her name is Toma, and she loves fashion. Apparently, Kakariko Village has some of her favorite stuff too. She’s not a merchant though, just a traveler. Like me, I guess. I think these one-off NPCs add some nice flavor to the world. Not everyone has to give me a quest or try and help me save the world.

I say goodbye to Toma and cross the bridge without issue. No monsters so far, but a lot of ingredients to pick up. I find something new, an Armorrant. Looks like a flower, but I guess it’s edible. It’ll raise my defense when used to cook with. Cool. I also find some Ironshrooms that do the same, and some random flowers and bugs as well. I’m climbing off Fabio every few meters just so I can hop off and gather up all the shiny objects I can hold. Klepto Link, you’d fit right at home in an Elder Scrolls game.

Majestic music plays.
As the path rounds the mountain, I can see down the cliffs below into a massive forest. Trees and hills dot the landscape and I can see another tower off in the distance. Wonder when I’ll get sent there.

Not much further up and I see another person on the road. Well, maybe a person. From a distance, I first thought it might be a Goron - a brown, vaguely pear-shaped blob. But as I got closer I can see that it’s actually a giant Korok. Like, massive compared to Link. He’s got what looks like a treetop sprouting from his head as hair, big bushy eyebrows (made of wood), and a satchel around his waist.

Hetsu is his name. Hey, that first Korok told me about you! And aww, he’s so sad. Someone stole something from him - his maracas! Poor guy. As a latino, I feel your pain. The culprits are still nearby though, and I can help him get them back. After agreeing, I see a new side quest has started.

The Priceless Maracas

Yes I will help you...but I have a lot of questions.
I leave Fabio with Hestu, as my targets are only just up the path. A couple of rocky outcroppings with a small tunnel seems to be their base. Walking in that way seems like it would be a trap, so let’s put this new Climbing Bandana to good use.

I climb up the rocks until I am above the thieves. It’s a trio of dark colored bokoblins. I can see a locked chest on a platform, and I bet that’s holding the maracas. The bokoblins have’t noticed me at all yet, but that could change if I daly. So let’s not. I pull out my bow and knotch it - and then change the arrow type. Perfect time to test out these bomb arrows, don’t you think?

One explosion and 3 dead bokoblins later, I am pleased to say bomb arrows are very strong. Even stronger than my Remote Bombs, I think. One chest-unlocking fanfare later, I hop down from my perch, gather up their remains, and open my chest. Maracas ho!

*cackles maniacally*
I walk back out to the path and down to Hestu, who is waiting patiently with Fabio. Hestu is so very happy to get his maracas back. Sadly though, they are empty and can't make any noise. Bummer, dude. Then he sniffs the air - he smells the Korok Seeds on me. In exchange for giving him one, he will expand one of my inventory spaces! So that’s what they are for! I say yes and select weapons, and he does a very elaborate dance for me, culminating in a loud *pop* and explosion of leaves, as I see my weapon inventory except by one. He allows me to do this one more time, charging me two seeds instead of one, and after another dance I have another slot. After that, he says he has to get going back to the Korok Forest. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again soon enough buddy!

Tetris: Korok Edition
I hop back on Fabio and continue up the mountain path to the village. The road narrows as we enter a valley, a natural barrier for the town. I pass a few oddities on the way. The first is on my left - a fairly obvious Korok puzzle. Two sets of metal cubes, one with a “loose” cube, and I have to use it to make them match. Poof, there he is: Korok!

The second is a little more interesting. So, I’m headed to Kakariko Village, a place in Zelda games where historically the Sheikah Tribe live or originated. I’ve had several run-ins with them so far in the form of the towers and shrines, and other places, and this is no exception. As I get closer to the town, I pass under some awnings featuring various symbols. Triangles, eyes, what have you. All symbols I am familiar with, the Sheikah tribe and the Hylian Royal Family.

Kakariko Village

Again, I would like to inquire about that Getty award.
Rain gently falls as Fabio slows to a trot. I pass under the final gate and the town’s name flashing on my screen. I see a white-haired woman sitting under a tree, and she greets me. She asks who I am, but then takes notice of my Sheikah Slate and seems to understand. She points me to Impa, at the center of town. I thank her and allow Fabio to continue on the path through the town, the building I’m looking for at the bottom near the waterfalls.

The skies clear as Fabio makes his way to the center. The town is big, and if it’s not geographically bigger than past iterations then it’s at least more populated. I pass by a number of white haired men and women, even see a few children. There’s farms, cuckoos, shops. It’s honestly lovely.

I stop Fabio once he’s reached the bottom of the town’s hill, Impa’s house ahead of me.

Time to see what’s next.

Heart Containers: 4
Shrines Completed: 7
Koroks Found: 17
Maracas Recovered: 2
Inventory Spaces Expanded: Also 2
Eyes Shot Out: 1

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