Monday, April 23, 2018

Forests, Swamps, and Plains: Ah Yes, the Three Genders

I continue looking off into the horizon, still dumbfounded by the sight of the dragon flying across the sky. He doesn’t seem to be coming back, though, so I should probably get moving. I climb down from my perch, once again just outside the Outpost Ruins.

Outpost Ruins

I was pretty thorough with my previous exploration, but I go ahead and give it another once over, taking out the bokoblins that have since respawned under the blood moon. I do the same further up the road with the East Post Ruins, before crossing back over Proxim bridge, past Brigo. Keep up the good work, buddy.

Oh, hey!
I utilize my backtracking trip to stock up on ingredients. I grab some bugs and plants from the fields and forests, fish and snails from the Squabble River, and even do a little bird and fox hunting. I say hello to Giro, and replenish my gemstones when I travel back through Dueling Peaks. By the time I am back at the stable, my pockets are once again full.

I say hi to Fabio, feeding him an apple. Did ya miss me buddy? I stand over near the fire and Sagessa, opening my inventory to take stock. I’ve got a decent amount of just about everything right now. I’m good on food and weapons, though I could stand to find some more arrows. I guess it is time to head towards Hateno Village.

The village is to the east of Dueling Peaks and the stable. I’ll need to go around the Ash Swamp and Blatchery Plain, and through Fort Hateno. I see a path on my map, but of course, we need to explore the area a little first.

Right behind the stable is a massive plain. It’s made up of three distinct areas: First in the northern section is the Ash Swamp. To the south of that is the Bubinga Forest, where I went hunting for my first horses for the contest. And finally in the eastern corner we have Blatchery Plain, presumably a grassland area just outside the fort. And here we go, exploring all of them.
Oh, I did not miss these fuckers at all.

Bubinga Forest

Let’s start where we have already been. Now that I’m not worried about sneaking up on any of these horses, I can enjoy the scenery a little more. Right as soon as I kill this fucking Octorock. This one seems to be of the land variety. It actually seems more like a Deku Scrub from Ocarina of Time but I’m guessing those aren’t in this game.

I wander through the forest, scouring the trees for goodies. I find more ingredients of course, and a few other odds and ends. I find not one but two of the blue rupee rabbits, netting myself some coin. I also find two Koroks! The first is under a rock on top of a very large tree in the center of the forest. I found it as I was searching for bird eggs in the treetops. The second required some balloon popping. On a hilltop, I find another pinwheel on top of a boulder, and taking out my bow, three balloons appear in the air. Shooting them down gets me my 24th Korok seed.

The rest of the forest is clear, just a group of horses peacefully trotting along the riverbank. It’s beautiful.

Time to go mucking in that swamp.

Ash Swamp

The area lives up to its name, an I see a number of shallow ponds dotting the landscape. Ruins litter that Ash Swamp as far as the eye can see. No full buildings, just parts of walls, columns, all woven throughout the grassy hills and ponds. And of course where there are ruins, there are usually one or two of the no longer functioning guardians. I see multiple herds of horses milling about as well, but no enemies just yet.

There are plenty of bugs and ingredients - my pockets are starting to get full - and I even find a chest containing some more fire arrows. Eventually I do come across the occasional small group of bokoblins, no full fledged camp. I find something odd in the southern part of the swamp. A bunch of swords all stuck in the ground. Traveler’s Claymores, all of them, like some kind of marker. Or a grave. Three bokoblins roam the area, as do some chus. Guarding nearby a chest with a Double Axe. Nothing else though.

Until I move north that is. I don’t recognize the sound at first. It has been so long since I had to worry about being sniped with a laser. They were simpler times… Time before the reappearance of those fucking Decayed Guardians. I wandered a bit to close to one in the swamp, and am now scraping bits of myself off some rocks. Sigh. I mark it’s location on my map, so I know to avoid it now.

This game never wants to let me just relax.

After I respawn, I make sure to give a wide bearth to the guardian, and head north, along the path that would normally take me to Kakariko. It forks just before the Kakariko Bridge, and leads east through Fort Hateno. The path is actually fairly quiet. A river that ends in Lake Siela runs to my left before some more mountains begin to crop up. Once I see that I’ve passed most of the swamp, I head off the path to the south.

Blatchery Plain

The area lives up to its name: a lot of plains. It also seems to be full of bokoblins. As I walk the path, I find a few bokoblins on the path waiting to ambush me. Then I see a full fledged bokoblin camp, just outside the Ash Swamp. Time to clean it out!

It looks like a big one. It’s hard to get an exact headcount, the tall grass reaching up to the bokoblin’s heads. I think there are around 8 of them. I see three separate watchtowers, two manned by ‘blins and the third housing the camp’s chest. There are no easy vantage points and everything is very spread out. Here we go.

I try to utilize the tall grass to my advantage, crouching and sneaking as close as I can to the first watchtower. Taking at least one of these out is the priority, then we can see about the second one or take care of a few on the ground. I do manage to take him out, but not before alerting the rest of his compatriots. Time for a brawl.

I'm getting pretty good at this.
I switch to a two handed weapon, a Boko Bat I stole earlier, so that I can fling a few of the enemies away. The main issue right now is their numbers. I see one of the dark skinned variety among the red ones, I’ll leave him for last if I can help it.

I manage to kill a few of the red guys with a few sword swings, even flinging the stronger 'blin away with their corpses. But still, they manage to get a few licks on me. That asshole on the watchtower has terrible aim at least. I try to kill a few more of the reds before taking him out with two arrows to the chest. That just leaves one remaining red guy, and the black one. I gather up all of the fangs, horns, and guts I can once the dust has cleared.

The chest I get to open for all my troubles? An Opal. Fuck you.

I scour the rest of the southern plain, though I largely find it devoid of anything terribly interesting. More ingredients, a few stray bokoblins. There’s a raft in the river that runs between the plains and Fort Hateno’s wall. Time to look north. I begin exploring along the mountainside, eventually finding a tunnel. After killing some keese within, I approach the exit cautiously, the damned decayed guardians causing me to second guess things. But it’s a good thing I did.

I see someone, or something, bouncing around the sky. As if they were walking or skipping across an invisible platform in the sky. I can’t get a good view from this angle though, it keeps moving out of my view and I don’t want it to see me before I know what it is. Time for some climbing.

I head back out the entrance to the tunnel and proceed to climb up the mountain and over it. Then once I can walk, I carefully creep down the other side, towards the weird bouncing creature. I pull out my scope to get a better look.

I’m...still not sure what this is exactly. But going based on it’s coloring, it's fire based. There is also a burned out building behind it, so that's a clue too. The weapon it’s holding also seems to be glowing with energy, so I’m guessing it’s got fire powers as well. I’ve got some ice arrows, but not many so I’d like to hang onto those for now. Let’s just see if we can get a few licks in with some Remote Bombs and arrows first.
Just call me Wile E. Coyote.

Pulling out the round bombs, I wait until the creature is close enough, and toss it down the side of the mountain. As it rolls and and bounces, it gets the attention of my fire friend. Once his curiosity draws him close enough, I pull the trigger, sending him flying.

He doesn’t notice me.

So, I continue to cheese my way through this fight, eventually defeating the whatever it was. I climb down the mountain to collect my spoils. Oddly, the creature doesn’t seem to have left anything behind except it’s weapon - a Fire Rod! Fucking awesome!!! I equip it, watching the way the flames animate up the hilt, igniting the tip. So cool.

I exit the riverside alcove through the tunnel, back out onto the plains. Time to finish exploring! I head east, towards the fort aaaaaaaand....

Fucking lasers. Just fuck you.

I’m going to the fort.

Heart Containers: 5
Shrines Completed: 8
Koroks Found: 24
Sword Graveyard: Creepy
Ash Swamp: Swampy
Laser Shooting Robots: Every-fucking-where

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Temple May Protect You From the Rain but Not Me, Buddy

After killing the Stalnox, I make sure to find where it’s body died to collect my loot. For being stuck in a skeleton these are pretty nice. By far the nicest is the Thunderblade, matching the Flameblade I got just down the river from here. Once I’m done I return to my horse, just as the sun is rising. We make our way back to the stable where I dismount. Time to finish cleaning up loose threads I think. I leave Fabio at the stable before fast traveling back to where this all began.

Shrine of Resurrection

Things look a bit different now that the lights are on. Much less spooky. I walk back into the first room where I was asleep, expecting nothing, but seeing a distinct Korok-shimmer coming from inside the...coffin. How long have you been here little guy? I collect my seed from the weird little guy, floating in my former tomb.

Did this dude just move into my old place?
I exit the shrine and quickly get to work, backtracking to the places I’ve been previously and checking every nook and cranny for anything I may have missed. My first stop is the Temple of Time.

I make my way through the ruins again, killing bokoblins left and right and checking for anything I missed the first time around. Pleased to say it actually seems like I was pretty thorough! I explore more of the open land around the edges of the temple, though I don't find much beyond insects and flowers.

As I reached the top of the temple, I see something I missed the first time around that would have been pretty useful - a ladder to the roof. How the hell did I miss this the first time? I don’t have much time to contemplate before the weather changes, and it begins to rain. After I hear the first crack of thunder, I raced inside of the building to take shelter, unequipping any metal equipment I had on me.

I could probably just fast travel to one of the other shrines on the plateau, but eh, I wasn’t really in a rush, so I just hunkered down for a bit. Shortly after I hid inside the building, I hear another loud crack of thunder, this one happening just outside the main temple doors. I pan the camera over and watch as a bokoblin I had previously ignored ran inside the temple himself, taking refuge from the storm. I stood there and watched as he remained posted by the door, looking out for when it was safe to exit again.

Even evil fears electrocution.
That is...just so amazing. I’m not saying the AI is super advanced in this game, but the way the NPCs can interact with the environment is astounding. I stand there in solidarity with my new rain-buddy, as we waited to be able to continue our respective travels…

...enh, I’m bored. Let’s kill him.

When the thunder dies down and I am a couple of bokoblin teeth richer, I leave the temple out the back. The Woodcutter’s House is pretty much in a dead end area, so I can start there and fan out to the rest of the plateau. Getting there isn’t any trouble. For the most part, I avoid bokoblins I’ve previously killed, not worth wasting the weapons when I’ve already explored the area. I gather up all the ingredients I find along the way too.

Woodcutter's House

The cabin is just like I remembered leaving it. There are apples and spicy peppers on the shelves again, and stamella shrooms on the outside. The journal hasn’t been updated since the last time, and I see no sign of the king’s ghost here now. Kinda lonely again. I miss Fabio.

I exit the cabin and move towards the large trees. I probably want to cross the cliff one more time just to be sure I didn’t miss anything. I just remember being so annoyed that I couldn’t get to the Shrine at the top of the cliff from here. That shrine seems like it’s not really in a good place in general there’s no obvious path to it from the mountains…

I hate everything.
Wait. What. WHAT.

What. The hell. Is THAT?!

There, carved into the cliffside, going all the way up, are a series of platforms. Platforms that are all a fairly short, easily climbable distance from each other. Platforms that are not just one of the ways I could have reached the shrine, but from all appearances is the intended way to reach the shrine.

What the fuck else in this game have I completely missed?

A few chests and a Korok, apparently. From the cabin, I make my way around the Great Plateau, this time exploring all the nooks and crannies I can find. I do my best to avoid enemies, as they don’t really have anything I need anymore. I especially try to avoid those laser shooting rusted assholes in the Eastern Abbey. I tried shooting one with an arrow and it didn’t even make a dent. No thank you.

Eventually, I am making my way back down from Mount Hylia, circling around the cliffs to the Forest of Spirits again. I can see the familiar skull-shaped rock of one of the forests’ goblin camps. I could probably just float down from here really…buuuut wait. I see some other outcroppings along the cliffside, not connected to the path. Places that require a paraglider to float to!

The cube puzzles are pretty cool at least.
I jump from the cliff, but don’t go far - the main cliff I am aiming for is below me. As I get closer I can make out some small structures on it - looks like a Korok cube puzzle! It’s pretty straightforward, requiring very little manipulation with my Magnesis rune. The cube slides into place and with a pop, I have one more Korok seed. Once I’m done here, I float gently down to the ground of the forest below, far from any prying 'blin eyes.

Forest of Spirits

It’s time to go talus hunting. I double check that I have an adequate cache of weapons and food beforehand, and set out for the forest. I skirt by the camps of bokoblins I pass on the way, not wanting to waste any of my weapons on them. I’m gonna need 'em for the big guy.

I approach the clearing from the south, seeing the mound of rocks at the center that make up the Talus’s body. He’s asleep, but once I get close enough he won’t be. Unlike my giant skeleton friend. I double check my weapons - a sword and bow of decent strength - and move towards him. He’s got some mushroom growing around and on him, and as the ground begins to rumble I scoop up a few to eat later. Might need them.

Protip: Always aim for the thing that sticks out.
The boss music starts as soon as the rumbing does. As I dash away from the boulders as they pry themselves from the ground, the Talus’s health bar displays on the screen. Let’s do this.

I circle around him as he flings his arms at me, looking for an opening. I find one fast - turns out throwing your arms means you have to then make yourself new arms. As the Stone Talus slams his body down into the ground, intent on pulling back up more boulders to throw at me, I take note of the black rock on it’s shoulder once more. After another bout of arm-chucking, I use my bow to strike it with an arrow.

He did not like that at all. In a daze, he collapses to the ground, unmoving. I think I found my weak spot. I shoot it with another couple of arrows before he pulls himself off the ground, ready to attack again. Looking at his health bar, it doesn’t seem like I did all that much damage. Going to need a different strategy.
Blowing things up is also a safe bet

My first thought is to try Remote Bombs. They blow up rocks, he is made of rocks, that should do some damage, right? It half works - I do see that I’m able to damage him, and the explosions even blow his arms off. It’s still kinda slow and frankly, dangerous - I have to run close enough to throw the bomb near enough to hurt him. I’m gonna need to find a way to hit his weak spot more directly.

Ultimately it is a combination of the two techniques that cinchest the battle for me. Circling around him, I force the Talus to somewhat give chase to me, dropping remote bombs behind me as I go and blowing off one of his arms when he stumbles over one. Then while he is reforming them, I shoot the weak spot on his back.

As he stumbles and falls, I make a break for it - I climb right up the side of him. After I pull myself up I pull out my sword and wail on the weak spot, over and over. I can see that I am doing significantly more damage to his health bar now. I manage to pull off a few combos with my sword before he picks himself back off and I am forced back to the ground.

The Talus continues the battle, following the same attack pattern. He doesn't learn from his mistakes. It takes another two rounds, and I break one of my weapons, but I finally manage to best him. As my weapon makes its final strike, the boss music reaches a crescendo and his boulder-body explodes into a shower of precious stones. I’m riiiiiiiiich! Again!

I happily collect my winnings, which I guess are also his corpse. I wonder if bosses also respawn after a Blood Moon? Something to come back and investigate. And then exploit.

With the defeat of the big scary rock monster, I have accomplished everything I can recall needing to on my return trip here. I scour the forest and the surrounding areas one final time before making my way back towards Dueling Peaks. Instead of fast traveling, I decide to take the scenic route and make sure the path I’ve traveled so far has also been thoroughly explored.

I warp up to the Sheikah tower to make my leap - I wanna see if I can land in that same hut I did the first time. Dawn is just starting to break as I float over the plateau’s edge. I can see the bokoblins and moblins below me starting to wake up. I can see a giant yellow dragon floating across the southern sky…
I can't even think of something funny to say here.
(or ever. BURN!)

Wait what?

Holy shit. Holy shit. What the everloving fuck is THAT thing. It’s gorgeous. A long serpentine dragon, weaving through the clouds over Lake Hylia. His hide seems to be made of a bright, electric yellow. I’m nowhere near him, wouldn’t know how to begin finding him. And then, just as suddenly as he appeared, he vanished, out of my site to wherever he slumbers during the day. If my skeleton friends have been any indicator, living and previously-living things in these parts definitely follow a diurnal cycle.

Oh god I hope that doesn’t mean its a zombie dragon.

Heart Containers: 5
Shrines Completed: 8
Koroks Found: 22
Rock Monster: Rubble
Gemstone Shower: Taken
Dragon Discovered: YES

Monday, April 9, 2018

Let's Kill a Giant Skeleton Because It's There

Since I’m already here, let’s take care of Mr. Skeleton first. It’s still too early in the day for the undead to come out, so I spend some time replenishing meals and double checking my weapon inventory. It was late afternoon, night would fall soon, so it seemed like the perfect time to get moving.

Once I was satisfied, I hop onto Fabio and lead him back across the Big and Little Twin bridges, back towards Misko’s treasure cache. As we trot around the river’s edge, something along the mountain on the other side catches my eye. A cracked wall! How did I miss that the first time around?

This hiding place seems a bit...excessive.
I dismount Fabio and swim across the river, placing a square remote bomb down on the other shore. Blowing the rocks reveals the cave’s secret: an entire shrine within! I had turned off the shrine sensor, because that beeping was really getting on my nerves, but maybe I shouldn’t going forward.

Hmm, I know I'm supposed to be hunting a skeleton right now, but...shrine. Ol' Skelly is already dead, he can wait a little while longer. I make my way into the cave, activate the shrine, and lower myself down.

Toto Sah Apparatus

            ~Toto Sah Shrine~

An apparatus huh? Immediately ahead of me is a an archway, beyond which lies a pillar of some kind. It has a pedestal for the Sheikah Slate, but on top is some kind of rotating gyroscope, glowing orange. There is a gap in the path extending behind it, a black stone column hovering in the middle of the gap. Examining the pedestal pulls the camera back wide, the floating stone column at the center of the screen.

Simple enough...
Following the on screen commands, I figure out I can rotate the column by rotating my controller. I play with this a little bit before noticing a chest attached to one of the sides of the column. I then rotate the column so that the chest is sitting up right and end my control of the gyroscope and column. I get a Shield of the Mind’s Eye out of the chest before continuing beyond, as the path winds up and to the right.

Another gyroscope puzzle, though one more difficult. Instead of just rotating a column into a bridge, I have to line up three sets of stairs. The middle stairs are attached to a long beam, and the stairs slide up and down it as I rotate the gyroscope. Very carefully, I tilt the controller, slowly edging the stairs into place after first overshooting it a couple of times. I jump to the first set and climb up the other two, following the path up once again to a final gyroscope puzzle.

Oh fuck you, Toto Sah.
What the hell is this. I don’t even know what to call this shape honestly. It looks like one of the puzzles from Intelligent Qube for PS1. Just a bunch of cubes stacked together into a weird diamond shape. I activate the gyroscope and try rotating the object this way and that. I need to find a position where I can both jump onto and off of the puzzle at both ends, AND make sure I can walk across it as well. There’s also the added benefit of another one of those sliding staircases that needs to be placed just so, AND there’s another chest, on a totally different section, so I’ll need to do this twice.

Sigh. It’s not nearly as complicated as my complaining makes it sound, but this is the internet, so you get to hear me bitch. First up is the chest. Awkwardly clutching my controller, I get the jagged, narrow path to the chest lined up so I can cross, opening it and gaining a Small Key! So I guess the chest actually was required to finish this.

It's a pretty cool door opening animation IMO.
I walk back over to the gyroscope and activate it again. I slowly move the puzzle around, gauging for the possible solutions. The stairs are a good clue, I don’t think they’d stick those there if I didn’t need to use them. After realizing that, the rest was easy. Holding my controller at an awkward angle, I line up both ends of the puzzle as the stairs slowly slide into place. Bam, I climb onto the puzzle, up the stairs, and onto the path on the other side.

The only things standing between me and another Spirit Orb are a locked door and Toto Sah himself. Neither put up much of a fight, and I’m back outside before I know it. Well, outside but in a cave. Whatever. It’s still night time, so let’s go see if our skeleton friend is out and about.

Hickaly Woods

I swim back across the river to Fabio, and I notice two things. First, right next to me in a tree stump is a rock. Pick it up, and voila! Korok. The second is that it’s daytime. Sigh. I walk over just to confirm, yep, he is asleep. Well, we can fix that: I fast travel back to the stable, wait until night by the campfire, and then fast travel back to Toto Sah Shrine. Bam, Skelefriend is awake. I can see him lumbering around his “section” of Hickaly Woods from a distance. Now to figure out how to kill him. I hop off Fabio, leaving him just outside the treeline for his own protection. Skellie hasn’t noticed me, so I circle around the forest, keeping him in my sight.

I can see that just behind him are some rocks that look perfect for launching a few arrows from. I inch closer, still making sure he doesn’t notice me, until I make a dash to hide behind the rocks. It seemingly works, as no health bar appears no does any boss music start. I doubt I’ll have long once I’m up there before he notices me. No idea what his attacks might be but I’ll at least be able to land a few good shots on him, hopefully. Let’s do it.

I climb the rocky hill to the very top, putting me just above Skellie. I finally get a real good look at him. Not that there’s much to look at: he’s a giant skeleton. He has a single giant eye, which appears to be the only part of him that ISN’T bone. He also seems to have weapons sticking out of him - like, actual, usable weapons. Maybe I can pry them out when he’s dead? Or redead (I'm here all week).

Here goes nothing...
The boss music suddenly kicks in. I see the health bar appear on the screen finally, along with the Skellie’s real name: Stalnox. Similar to the stone talus on the plateau, this one also lists our location - Hickaly Woods. Wonder why that’s labeled… I pull out my bow and take aim, waiting for the giant to lumber just a little closer. Since I’m not pulling any punches, I switch over to bomb arrows.

Oof. There’s goes that eye… I watch him stumble on the ground helplessly as the orb flies from it’s socket. I can see it on the ground, moving, probably trying to get back to its body. Well, we can’t have that can we? I float down and begin attacking it immediately. I manage to get a few good licks in before the eye is scooped back up and placed back into the stalnox’s head.

This is the part where I remember I am a tiny squishy Hylian and he is a gigantic monster who wants to kill me. Eep. I start to move away from Skellie, his slow lurch not enough to keep up with me. I try and hit his eye with another arrow, but miss, and once he gets close enough he attempts to squish me with his bony bottom. Even without hitting the eye though, I still manage to do some damage. At least I’ve got an attack pattern now.

Warning: Do not explode bomb arrows near eye.

I repeat this, doing moderate if not steady damage. Eventually Skellie gets fed up with all my running around and just straight walks up to a tree and yanks it from the ground. Shit. Better hit that eye again. I run north towards the river and take aim. Bullse...skeleton’s eye. Said eye rolls towards me next to the river bank, and I once again start hitting it. Funny enough, the weapon I have equipped is called a bat, and we all know what bats like to do to balls…

Though it doesn’t go far, it goes far enough - over the cliffside, and onto the riverbank. I immediately give chase. I have no idea how the body is gonna get to it from there, but I bet I can kill it before it figures it out. The helpless eye struggles as I wail on it over and over, futilely attempting to reunite with its body. I can hear the Stalnox’s stomping in the distance, still safely far away from me and it’s eye.

The fight doesn’t last much longer. I almost feel bad for the eye as I watch it helplessly flail around.


Heart Containers: 5
Shrines Completed: 9
Koroks Found: 20
Hidden Shrine: Discovered
Bomb Arrows: Exploded
Skeleton: Fossilized

Monday, April 2, 2018

Fashionable Looks for When Your Cooking or Mountain Climbing

I approach the small Sheikah girl, standing over the cooking pot stationed just outside the produce shop. She is a tiny little thing too! Hunched over deep in thought, I speak to her. As I would have guessed, she’s trying to decide on some food to cook for her family.

 Koko’s Kitchen

Veggie Cream Soup is on the menu today! That’s what Koko tells me when I speak to her. The recipe calls for a Swift Carrot, Rock Salt, and Fresh Milk. Unfortunately, Koko is all out of Swift Carrots. I offer to bring her one, poor little thing. They sell them right here anyway, the sign for the produce shop is literally a carrot. Swift Carrots are only 16 rupees a piece, so I nab one and walk it back out to the little chef. She can smell it on me! Happily accepting the carrot, she quickly gets to work and a few moments later I’m being given a serving of the soup myself. Yum. That goes on the recipe sheet. Happy to have been able to cook for her little sister Cottla, I learnt that the poor thing is trying to step into the place of her departed mother. Aww. <3

 Cooking With Koko

She’s not finished though, there’s another quest, which means another recipe. This one is for a Hot Buttered Apple. This is a simple one, just need some Apples and some Goat Butter. She’s missing another ingredient - this time it’s the butter. After first verbally berating herself for not being as good as her mother, I reassure her I can get her some butter right away.

I head back inside and grab some, once from High Spirits Produce, slightly cheaper than the carrot was. Do you think you kill goats to get butter? That wouldn’t really make sense I guess. You didn’t get milk by killing cows in Ocarina. I head back out and hand it over, once again receiving some of the meal myself.

Koko Cuisine

Another one? I mean I’m already here, why not. This time we are making a Tough Meat-Stuffed Pumpkin. We need a Fortified Pumpkin and Raw Meat. I have both of those things! Koko is of course missing something - the Raw Meat, and goes through her motions of calling herself horrible. It’s actually a little concerning, like, what is her home life like? She talks about how her father used to go hunting, and I let her know I already have some Raw Meat on me. No hunting required. I can’t say I really WANT to eat a meat-stuffed pumpkin, but I’m happy to accept it nonetheless.

Koko’s Specialty

Aww...Nope still don't want kids.
One last cooking segment, Koko, then I gotta go. The last thing we are making is a desert. A Honeyed Apple. I guess that is different then a Buttered Apple but both sound pretty boring. It was her mother’s favorite (uh-oh). She needs Apples, which she has, and Courser Bee Honey, which she doesn’t. I do though, and I hand some over. Hopefully she can learn to stop putting so much pressure on herself. She’s like ten, tops. She does seem to be happy, content that she was able to replicate her mother’s recipes. She even wants to be a chef now, and come up with her own recipes! That’s great!

But seriously, what is her dad like?

With no one else needing my assistance with their problems, or at least not problems I can help them with, I figure it’s finally time to get out of town. There are no new additions to the Journal of Various Worries, but Paya did update her journal to mention me. She’s smitten.

I go back to the armor shop, Enchanted, and purchased the full set of stealth armor, and the hood I was missing from my Hylian Armor set as well. I had to sell off a good chunk of the precious stones I had gathered so far, but I’m not going to be using them for anything else right now, unlike the stealth suit.

It looks interesting on Link, to say the least. I am particularly fond of the chopsticks in his hair. Though I didn’t think Link really had all that much hair to really NEED that. I guess it did grow a little while he was unconscious for 100 years. I run back to Cortera and get my pieces all upgraded. The armor rating on the stealth gear isn’t very high, so I’ll stick to the Hylian clothes for now.

Yeah, there's definitely something up there.
With that done, before I leave I’m going to give one last thing a look - the mountains around the town. Starting with this particularly tall one just behind the fairy fountain. You ever just get a feeling about something in a video game, like when you see some place off in the distance and just think “there’s probably something there.” Well there’s no way there isn’t something at the top of that mountain. It does unnamed on my map, but the area just to the south of it is called Bonooru’s Stand.

Bonooru’s Stand

Might as well explore the area while I’m up here. It’s a large grassy plain with a few mountain tops. I come across a couple of mountain goats, one of which tries to knock me down. Ass. I check the top of the two smaller mountains and find nothing of particular interest. Time to try scaling the big one.

Gorgeous (Guess what's under that rock)
Another goat, but still no enemies. Bokoblins must not like heights much. I’m on the very edge of the map, or at least the part of the map that is filled in, so I don’t bother going in that direction. I walk around the base of the mountain top, looking for a good spot to scale. I find that the northern side seems to have the most slope to it, because frankly I’m not sure I have the stamina to get to the top.

I almost don’t make it, but luckily I picked the side of the mountain with the most gaps. I’m able to stop and rest a couple of times and regain my stamina without having to climb back down. I finally manage to reach the top, pulling myself up just as my stamina was going to go. Phew. And it looks like my feeling was right - there’s a rock up here, and we all know what’s under that rock!

A PONY!!!! (Nah, just a Korok.)

With that done, I head back down towards the fairy fountain. Instead of climbing back down the path to the town, I take a leap from a cliff above the shrine, floating across the gap on the opposite mountainside. I climb up, towards a ledge placed seemingly so I can regain my stamina. I climb all the way up without an issue.

I'd play an entire game of just this.
There are mountains on every side of Kakariko, each dotting with hilltops just screaming to be explored. At the top of the first one I find more ingredients. Plenty of bugs and flowers litter the landscape. As I get closer to Impa's house, I can see the small lake, Lantern Lake, that feeds into the waterfalls behind her home.

Lantern Lake

Just behind Lantern Lake is another, very tall hill. Because of the placement of the lake, there’s no easy way to climb up from the base, so that means using the paraglider again. Only this time, there’s no cliff to regain my stamina. I manage to find a few spots where I can “run” for a few moments, regaining a piece of the stamina wheel, but I still only just make it to the top. Up here, I find another of the frog statues from the town, facing a sword in a stone. It’s another Sheikah Eightfold Blade, the second one of these I’ve gotten and they’re pretty strong. I mark this area on my map, good thing to remember if I need a decent weapon.

I turn and survey the landscape. Hyrule castle looks beautiful and ominus from here. As I turn around, I spot something on the top of the hill at the center of Lantern Lake. Possibly a chest? I make an easy landing with the paraglider, and I find a Silent Shroom, Blue Nightshade, and a chest buried in the ground. There’s a lot of these ingredients around here, things that increase your stealth.. Now that I think about it, it’s probably there because of how stealthy the Sheikah are. Ninjas. Maybe the game is saying they use a lot of these in their food?

I hate everything.
I activate Magnesis and pull the chest from the ground...where it immediately rolls down the hill and into the lake behind Impa’s house. *sigh* I float down and land on Impa’s deck. Magnesis reveals the fallen chest, and an additional one in the water. But they’re too far, and I end up needing to use Cryonis to get close enough to pull them up. It’s annoying. But worth it. One of the chests has another Phrenic Bow, which have a zoom sight on them, and an Eightfold Longblade, a two handed version of the Eightfold Blade. As the name says, it’s longer.

With nothing left to do (I am NOT climbing back up those mountains right now…) I hop onto Fabio and lead him out of town. We meander through the valley on our way back to the stable. He isn’t leaving the path anymore, so I’d say I finally have this guy fully trained. As we pass the now solved Korok puzzle and a small waterfall, I make a mental to-do list. Obviously the big thing I need to do is head to Hateno like Impa asked. I’ll get more info and I can get my slate fixed too. There’s also still the matter of the giant skeleton monster to fight, and even before him there was the rock monster on the Great Plateau.

Maybe it’s time to do a little house cleaning.

Heart Containers: 5
Shrines Completed: 8
Koroks Found: 19
Meals: Cooked
Childhood Trauma: Resolved(?)
Stealth Armor: Purchased